Tuesday, June 1, 2010


CHARLIE CHAPLIN'S speech from the movie,DICTATOR...really worth a read...

Hope... I'm sorry but I don't want to be an Emperor - that's not my business - I don't want to rule or conquer anyone. I should like to help everyone if possible, Jew, gentile, black man, white. We all want to help one another, human beings are like that.

We all want to live by each other's happiness, not by each other's misery. We don't want to hate and despise one another. In this world there is room for everyone and the earth is rich and can provide for everyone.

The way of life can be free and beautiful.

But we have lost the way.

Greed has poisoned men's souls - has barricaded the world with hate; has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed.

We have developed speed but we have shut ourselves in: machinery that gives abundance has left us in want. Our knowledge has made us cynical, our cleverness hard and unkind. We think too much and feel too little: More than machinery we need humanity; More than cleverness we need kindness and gentleness. Without these qualities, life will be violent and all will be lost.
The aeroplane and the radio have brought us closer together. The very nature of these inventions cries out for the goodness in men, cries out for universal brotherhood for the unity of us all. Even now my voice is reaching millions throughout the world, millions of despairing men, women and little children, victims of a system that makes men torture and imprison innocent people. To those who can hear me I say "Do not despair".

The misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed, the bitterness of men who fear the way of human progress: the hate of men will pass and dictators die and the power they took from the people, will return to the people and so long as men die [now] liberty will never perish...

Soldiers - don't give yourselves to brutes, men who despise you and enslave you - who regiment your lives, tell you what to do, what to think and what to feel, who drill you, diet you, treat you as cattle, as cannon fodder.

Don't give yourselves to these unnatural men, machine men, with machine minds and machine hearts. You are not machines. You are not cattle. You are men. You have the love of humanity in your hearts. You don't hate - only the unloved hate. Only the unloved and the unnatural. Soldiers - don't fight for slavery, fight for liberty.

In the seventeenth chapter of Saint Luke it is written " the kingdom of God is within man " - not one man, nor a group of men - but in all men - in you, the people.

You the people have the power, the power to create machines, the power to create happiness. You the people have the power to make life free and beautiful, to make this life a wonderful adventure. Then in the name of democracy let's use that power - let us all unite. Let us fight for a new world, a decent world that will give men a chance to work, that will give you the future and old age and security. By the promise of these things, brutes have risen to power, but they lie. They do not fulfil their promise, they never will. Dictators free themselves but they enslave the people. Now let us fight to fulfil that promise. Let us fight to free the world, to do away with national barriers, do away with greed, with hate and intolerance. Let us fight for a world of reason, a world where science and progress will lead to all men's happiness.

Soldiers - in the name of democracy, let us all unite!

Look up! Look up! The clouds are lifting - the sun is breaking through. We are coming out of the darkness into the light. We are coming into a new world. A kind new world where men will rise above their hate and brutality.

The soul of man has been given wings - and at last he is beginning to fly. He is flying into the rainbow - into the light of hope - into the future, that glorious future that belongs to you, to me and to all of us. Look up. Look up."

Saturday, May 29, 2010

In the time of dawn,

When the sun was in peace and slow,
the lazy dark sky began to glow.

A breeze of happiness,
Drizzling over the earth in a rhythm,
And music of joy touches heart within…

Time has come to farewell autumn,
Frozen senses melts…
Sleepy dream awakes….

In embrace of a gentle wind, sweet smell in air,
a musical myth drenches me with love and care.

Overwhelming with joy my eyelids are heavy, clam,
How can I be untouched by love and its magic charm?

A quick gasp and a whisper in my ear, 'are the dreams back again?’
My smiles says ‘Yes, they are, n a happy era began!!'

Thursday, May 27, 2010


A word with myriad implications...quoting Woody allen..

"If you are feeling tingly all over, you are either in love or having smallpox!!"

Love is a blend of emotions...attraction,care,concern,passion,loyalty,and according to me,perhaps the most important of all friendship.

Love is everything,all rolled into one..A mother's passion,a friend's care,a sister's guidance,a teacher's angst,a colleague's robustness,a room mate's concern, a lovers spat..

Love is a dance which weaves a very intricate pattern,lulls everyone into false complacency,and has everyone swaying with it.It can be personified as the pied piper,leading one and all into the nadir of life,ravine of distress or the zenith of bliss,whiff of innocence.A swirling crescendo raging around which leaves behind aching souls or souls floating on the clouds.Its like the finest mead or wine,maturing with age and as strong as diamond,meant to withstand the tests of the time.Love discriminates none, and has little mercy.It leaves behind many victims but more beneficiaries.It doesn't distinguish on the basis of colour,caste and creed.And they say,people bitten by this bug gain ethereal happiness and bliss.

So,This is what i've heard about the bug.What i think is a very different matter.Its something like a complex number.The love we all have heard about is just the imaginary part,the real part is the part which actually also exists.The part where there is no fairy tale endings.I feel,love requires a certain level of maturity to be understood,the carving in its art being way to minute and intricate for us to even fathom about it..

Love at first site??

"I believe in love at first site,
coz i fell in love with my mother
the moment i saw her.."

That's believable, but the one we hear about every so often?No.I think they are just poor misguided souls,lulling themselves into thinking something which doesn't exist,into some sense of security.Feelings and attraction matter a lot but that package can be termed love only when compatibility is there.After all,its the long term we are talking about.And this is where "love is friendship" comes in,where the concern and care,sharing secrets and emotions,actually talking, comes before,way before,the intimacy of a relationship.

And ya,am one those people who roll eyes when others gush about how deeply in love they are.Because frankly speaking,it begs a questions,at this age,how are you so sure that this is person you are gonna be sitting with,sipping tea,when you are old??As per the jargon, you've hardly played the field yet!!

You can fall in love with a person's personality, but then do you know if your tastes and routines match?That's the question which should actually set the route,not those rugged features and to die for smile!!Those are the questions you should think about and then learn to compromise.For what is a relationship without compromise?just a civil wrestling competition..

Am one of those people who,whenever its said that "love is in the air",rush away from the spot,just so that we are not infected.So,if roaming around with your beloved hand in hand,looking at him with "lovelorn" eyes,batting your eyelashes every now and then,singing his praises high and loud(!?!),hanging onto his every word as if they are some sacred utterances,spending your every free moment either talking to him or thinking about him,drooling over the notebooks writing his name,going all gooey when his name's taken and then let him pick up the tabs for all the fun( list could go on..)is being in love,then sadly, am not cut out for it..

As they say,"All that glitters is not gold"..Yes,a relationship may glitter,look dazzling and cool but it comes with its own bundle of obstacles.And when we already have to spend the better half of our life in companionship,then whats the point of ruining our experience of single status from now itself?

Yes, i believe in love, but the one where it means accepting a person completely,warts and all.The one mothers have for their children,the one that binds two best friends,sisters,siblings..not one of a kind but still special and mind blowing.Take it slow,take it steady,but then,take it for real.. but the fairytale love is still a mystery for me,waiting to be unraveled,sitting patiently,gathering dust but coming out dazzling even more than a diamond!!

let the dust gather while i go off in the pursuit of that elusive something,let it pile up till am ready to accept and appreciate its worth..
adios to all!!


so complex is the pattern

dey weave thru us..

no comprehension n hence d fuss,

but yet,dey r evethin dat matter

makin us come alive wid joy,

lettin us color our lyf frm the palette

dishin out a yummy platter

for wats better den gettin high

on our emotions,


wateva dey may b..

if bein sobre wid emotions

is what the mind caters to,

den sadly,a barren lyf it is!!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

For Eternity....

This is my one relationship which has always been rocky...I am just soo much in love,that leaving just doesn't seem to possible.On again and off again,i always dread when will i break apart.Even it is always me who pushes in the knife and decides to back out,it is still me am plunging the knife into..

I always had a mild crush since as long as i can remember,but i first fell into love when i was in 10th.And there began this tempestuous relationship.Sneaking and kept hidden,i was constantly happy those days that i finally had a chance to check out my crush and fell headfirst..The relationship soothed me in those days of adolescent worries and fears,tensions and stuff..it was the reason why i soared through my 1st boards,coz i always had company during the late nights and early mornings that kept me awake..

But then happened what i was dreading...My mom got a whiff and then a whole look at my relationship,and then course i was banned, so i had to break up..the 1st of many such breaks..

but then came my inter years,and soon began my cravin..i simply had to go bak..back to my relationship,to having the warm company on a cold,lonely night..so again began the game of hide and seek..and this time,none was wiser..

I then came to college,thrilled to finally have no restrictions and to be finally out in open..pretty soon it became pretty obvious to all my roommates and friends,that i was in a relationship..and ya,they were smart enough to figure out that i was addicted,and was on a decline..

I needed to have the company every time.....every time i was jubilant with joy, every time i was down, every time i was tensed..and soon he was the very breath i needed to be alive..yea,u bet i was on a serious decline there..

So after lot of prodding from my friends,and then just to prove i cannot be addicted,i broke up yet again..this time supposedly forever and for good..I avoided every time we came face to face and declined any opportunity to meet him..

I lived for sometime, and then after some months i was back to normal...i was at a stage where i could cope up  with any emotion without his presence..sometimes i just felt that i was still in love but not as obsessed..i waited till i thought i was free from obsession..

And then i approached again,and then was back again in my relationship..I was madly in love but not addicted or obsessed..i was cautious in the beginning and then progressed to being cautiously optimistic..And i must say that am glad to be finally in a carefree relationship..and am pleased to say that am not showing any signs of being paranoid in the near future..

Hoping to remain like this for the eternity,
I love you

:)  :)  :)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Dumb and dumber..

Am sitting in the class,
learning all stuff to pass
the drill began,
and so did the drone,
washing over me, one so prone

i saw all the heads nodding,
in peace with the drone,
which to me where,
like scriptures from rome..

i tried to dechipher,
but started to shiver,
with the agony untold
which always got twofold..

so i tried nodding,
at each step prodding
myself to listen and
not to nod off beaming..

i give up,
resigned to the fact
that i just cannot sign this pact
of appeasement,
coz what i felt was amusement..

Amusement coz with all heads nodding,
and with me just ogling..
there must be a screw, a nut
that somehow fell,and had me shut..

coz in the sea of learners,
i was the only one dumber
then the dumbest

i showed the teacher,
that i was a goner,
with just no clue,
that my brain cells were just few..

while the nodding heads,
were really not off any better..
just that they made their beds
so as to hide every letter..

so finally in the dreamy end,
it was I who went round the bend
coz it was I
who though already dumb,
went past dumber..

:)    ;)    :)     :)      ;)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The SILENT night..

As the night falls,
beaming down at me bringing with it,
a shadow of hope,a sliver of doubt
lending me its shroud of darkness,
to be anonymous and to be me..

The night glides by me,with me
no hum and no murmur,
making no ripples in the ocean of emotions..
just there with its strength,
the silent night..

The world of fear,of doubt
with its pace far gone,
A bubble of love,an island of despair
A quiver of faith,the quake of fury..

seeking respite from it all,
though i donned the silent shroud
it still whispered sweet nothings
and poured over me,the honey of encouragement..
prodding me,but never pushing me,
there it remained by me,
the silent night..

The night riped and with it,so did I..
with each passing hour it piped..
some glory,some smile..
some courage to run many more miles,
I was finally anonymous,totally me..

With the hope to love,
courage to let go,
trust to stave off the fear,
the world seemed so dear..

So trudged the silent night,
accomplished in its mission,
and yet reluctant in its completion,
for it shared with me the moments,
moments so poignant,
that even as the midnight sun shines,
the unfurling heart pines,for time spent
and for time lost,yet it rejoices
for the lesson learnt and for the company spent..

Since it has to trudge on,
to fill with sunshine,the life
of yet another silent soul,
it goes by the silent sea,
silent as ever,
the silent night...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Melancholy is when
The things way past expiry date
Laugh,cry and yell,
and all the stuff to be done by the spate
still keeps taunting my fate..

Melancholy is when
those chimes of bells
their rings echoing still
eons after they were rung..

Melancholy is when
Having nothing upon which to ponder,
I do things which I no I shouldn't do,
making me go all somber..

Melancholy is when
I tend towards insanity,
thinking and rethinking
all my decisions considered finicky
and getting all panicky..

And whenever there's a lull,
when no strings left to pull,
and having Things-to-be-done list full,
Melancholy is what I feel...

Friday, March 19, 2010

And finally......tHe BrEaKiNg dAwN...

The story continues...the gal catches on with her life..and slowly but surely the dawn breaks..this is the story of how the dawn finally broke and what it felt to finally have the splash of blinding sunlight.......

After days of absolute darkness, the dawn finally breaks..and with it brings the first ray of sunshine I had witnessed in eons..with it spreads the warmth in my body, my body which was traumatized so much in the recent times that i carried with myself a constant feeling of dread and chill..finally the warmth was here...

I knew the rays were peeping in when my listless thoughts started getting more defined,when my meaningless drools started taking shape,when happinnes actually seeped in when i laughed,when it finally thrilled me to play,when i swayed with renewed vigour,not to forget my demons but just to feel the pulse of my life...and when i finally couldnt recognise him in the crowd anymore...

Yeah..when finally his face was not my sun,centre of my universe...when finally he was just another face in the crowd,when finally i noticed other faces and finally they meant more....

story of my life
searching for a right
but it keeps avoidin me
sorrow in my soul
cause it seems that wrong
really loves my company......

The lines that were so true about my life till recently dont seem so right anymore..

Cause am still searching for a right but i dont find it avoiding me..i feel as if the dawn is finally guiding me..sorrow in my soul healed a long time ago to be replaced with contempt....and well even if wrong loves my company i know how to avoid..

And so here i finally am..at a point in my life, which means a lot now but might not even be worth it in the future...but still feeling good about scaling the distance i had i created with myself...finally getting back in touch with myself..

And the dawn finally broke and the sun in my life rose the day when I looked at him and felt.......nothing.Absolutely nothing,No feeling of contempt passed over me, no self loathing, no disgust and no discontent....I was at peace with everything..atlast...

SO here i am, bang on the track..and fellas..life was never so good..

And....my hope survived, my hope remains, my hope prevails.......

Thursday, March 18, 2010

mUsInGs oF a bLeEdInG hEaRt..........

The story of a heart that just doesnt know where to stop,how to say NO..not to others but to itself....the story of a gal with a heart like this...a story post break up...a story pre-breaking dawn..

I know I'm not completely over him. He still crosses my mind several times a day, but with each one of those times, a feeling of contempt also passes through my heart. Maybe if this happens enough, my heart will become completely harden, and I'll get to the point where he doesn't affect me anymore.....

is that even possible..musings of my mind continue to enthrall me but with no definite conclusions..the trouble is thats all they ever are, musings...Nothing concrete, nothing decisive ..all that am ever able to do is speculate..The only decisive thing in this forlorn existence is my fascination with him, the one thing i can never have..

but, this small game "catch the prey" game between us is taking a new turn..like an obsessive hunter, am just not able to letting him go and escape unscathed..the game has been on long enuf for my prey to now stumble..i know am not trying hard enough in this game of chasing but yet i underestimated..not him but myself..even though am not trying, his hold on me and my fixation on him is stronger than ever..all i need to do is just close my eyes, and i can visualize how utterly devastating his smile actually is, alluring his eyes are and how totally submissive i am to the whims of my heart..chaining my heart doesnt work as i end up bleeding but freed..freed from my minds hold over my heart..freed for my hearts hold over him..am freed in a way i possibly shoudnt be...

Even as the contempt washes over me, my heart flutters and unfurls, leaving me feeling alive for the time being...alive till the feeling of shame and self loathing passes over me..shame for my utter lack of self control and loathing because of my fixation...

And yet, i now continue this game within me,between my mind and my heart..waiting to see who wins..hoping to come out unscathed when am already bruised..hoping am all in one piece when my mind is over matter..

hoping that hope remains...

Saturday, January 30, 2010

CRAZYism?!?! :) :) }:-) :) :)

Well my dear friends and concerned ppl around me..in case you are wondering if this is the new '-ism' in the very long line of '-ism's  trying to pull me into its team, you clearly are right.. SadISM , nepotISM, favoritISM, terrorISM..yeah all the '-ism's that missed me by..but crazyISM being the latest in line??nope..crazyism is such a cliched concept by now that being crazy is the new normal!!

Well ya,when people think its normal to report something which resembled ragging and actually playing around with budding pillars of our nation, i think its plain crazy..and when people think its crazy to sit late into the night, burning midnight oil...not to study but to chat away the night or surfing through the net, i think its pretty normal..just not me, but many do think that way..so now you know what i mean when i say that crazy is the new normal..while normal is the new crazy!!!

Yeah, this week has been crazy..with students being rusticated and then all that negative publicity our college has had in the newspapers and a whole week of classes,no bunks and four labs in five days..and 2 days of evening cat preparation classes..and ya,trying to fit in playing badminton somewhere in between and resolving to study late into night but ending up chatting daily late into night..ufff..quite a week huh? You bet so..And ya,totally forgot the pending birthday treats in the evening..so the related getting ready stuff,deciding clothes and then finally the evening full of good food,music and constant flow of gossip..;) ;)crazy??yeah you bet!!

In order to refraining from taking names, i would just say here that a certain HOD of a certain DEPT slapped a CR..how mean is that?Slapping a 19 something guy in front of whole class?well the hod shouldve done some introspection as to what he was trying to say was really understandable or not..Our teachers do have some giant sized ego when it comes to their knowledge..wonder y?? Another thing that might be normal in the teaching fraternity, which i happen to consider plainly crazy..

And now what i really consider plain crazy..is actually me opening the books after all the chatting and stuff, when am feeling really sleepy eyed in hopes of understanding the stuff and getting a decent pointer this time(again crazy,i know..)..and well the subject,even if am trying desperately, acts like a lullaby and soon am sleeping soundly..yeah,i know..totally crazy..

And what else is normal??Me sitting here and writing this post just a few ticking minutes prior to me going out to give a mock cat test..:) :)

Well people..this is me,being completely normal and doing some crazy stuff..hoping for the crazyISM to continue for many more days to come!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Michelle obama.........

well,came across this article on some news website..thought it was really well worded so sharing with all of you!!

The monkey image of the first lady Michelle Obama, which was pasted on the web, has become puzzling issue full of ambiguity: “whether or not the image should be removed by Google from its search engine”. Clearly, it is a “freedom Vs morality” controversy that is rippling on the web. The advocates of “freedom of speech” are of the firm view that the act is no doubt beyond the ethical limits but the freedom of speech has its own value and such freedom should not be snatched away in an arbitrary manner. On the other hand, the proponents of morality argue that “freedom of speech” is much a humane value but it should have certain limits to operate. Both arguments carry enormous weight and the unbiased reader is in a state of confusion what should have been done to the picture which is hurting many sensitive and anti-racism factions. Most white people argue that when whites are depicted as monkeys (like the photo of G.W.Bush), no white raised the issue of morality and when a black woman is labeled as a monkey, every one has become furious.

Now,let us analyse the logic behind the freedom of speech concept..purpose of freedom of speech is to give equal opportunity to express viewpoint to some one who is oppressed and at a position of disadvantage. With the passage of time freedom of speech assumed a different form leading even to hurt others. The degradation of a “proud & rich white” can not be equated with the humiliation of “humble & poor black” under the cloak of “freedom of expression”. Freedom of speech is a gift to a disadvantaged rather than a tool of the powerful to exhaust his utter prejudice...  


Sunday, January 3, 2010

When something goes wrong...

Nope, no divine interventions to show the way...when something goes wrong,its steep ride all the way downhill..and I experienced exactly that today..already in a very good mood as the bunks again got cancelled..atleast ours,which was pretty much expected..but still this time in holzz i was not at ma place for more than a few measly dayz so i was already feeling grizzly about returning to this god forsaken place so early and roaming around in the hostel like zombies when others are gonna enjoy their extended vacations...

Ya,had a pretty prejudiced mindset,i know,but been there..done that..thats our situation..
hmm..so i packed up ma stuff and left home with a heavy heart..caught the bus and guess what?the bus is totally crowded..first turn off...somehow got place to sit down and i got here to surat..took almost the same amount of time to get back from the station to hostel..

And whats the sight that greets me when i get back to hostel finally??the constructor workers have made themselves fully at home in their ramshackle huts,complete with firewood and sizzling smells and sounds of cooking....looks a village has come into existence just outside ma hostel..and the path of entrance..quite a different story again...

The ppl building this other new MEGA hostel thought that the time was ripe To do some electrical installations..so what do they do??dig up giant size holes the way they've been doing all over the college recently right in front of our hostel,leaving a narrow, rocky path for us to trudge upon to finally reach the abode..and once inside,the signs of inhabitation,or the lack of it,is pretty much clearly visible on every nook and cranny..a cm high layer of dust was coated on everything left unused...

AND why oh why did our rooms have to have marble flooring???
Imagine the state it was in...nothing compared to our tables,which were also by the way caked with dust...
the attached bathrooms,again in marble..and ya,todayz sunday,which means no maid comes in today....cool!!and am yet to check out the dratted,AGAIN marbled,balcony...its already giving me shudders...

And after cleaning up most of that mess,atleast just the tables part, unpacking and everything done,we went down to mess to fill up our grumbling stomachs..no explanations needed i guess about how much filling the mess food actually was...their way of saying and reminding us..WELCOME back to hostel!!

oh ya..and the icing on the cake??am told that the electrical wiring, which is being currently done for the new menace of a hostel, requires closing of all the electrical wires being linked to it..which means the street lamps,which light our way in the darkness while passing through this new basti sprawling outside the hostels, are turned off...poof..and thats how we had to go out..negotiating the damned route with the help pf a mobile phone light...

SO no street lights on the street leading upto the gals hostel...WOW!!!

And that just about sums up my first day back at hostel...


Saturday, January 2, 2010

Whats in the name??

hmmm...this new decade has a now boiling controversy as its curtain raiser..though this ones been brewing for a some days now,Mr Chetan bhagat(CB) finally aired his opinions about it..He says he felt strange..am sure most of the ppl by now know the controversy am talking about..If not,well fellas,its the one about The makers of "3 IDIOTS"(which btw is an awesome movie!!),denied that the movie was based on the book..The book in question being 5 point someone,whose author is Mr CB..

To know more about it plz go through the following link in which my dear friend has very eloquently expressed the issue and opinions..Needless to say,my opinions on the matter are the same..

Ok..now that we have the background on it,lets dig in..
Well Mr CB says he has kept silent on the issue for past two years(source:his blog) but now he felt he should say something on the matter..He went to say that anyone who has read his book knows that the movie is based on it and those who haven't,just read the book,watch the movie and go figure!!

Hmm..he denies airing his opinions for fame,of which he has been accused..just says that he is right..for all the fair words,check out the source..

So now whats happening??
3 IDIOTS is still breaking all the records at box office and miraculously the sales of 5 point someone has suddenly picked up outta no where..Anyone has any idea how thats happening??

well,heres a theory,am sure one amongst many..

Coz of the recent hue and cry raised by many on the subject,be it the fans or the actors or the author..the things that registered on most of the inquisitive minds are 3 IDIOTS and 5 POINT SOMEONE...so ppl are picking their choice..and as suggested by CB,ppl are trying to draw in their own conclusions..and thus the rise in sales of both the book and the movie..

As far as the publicity stunts go,this seems to be the best..everyone tries to portray themselves as the injured party,they get their 2 mins of telly fame,and the names of the book and the movie are there everywhere..not to mention the TRPs of the concerned news channels..everyone is happy..(even if its not obvious!!)...BINGO!!

And amongst all the hullabaloo who's actually the injured party??
The viewers watch the news,they are buying the book and they are shelling 35% more bucks to watch the movie...