Monday, August 17, 2009

PERFECTION,it is said, is in trifles...
But perfection is no trifle...

Best foot forward!!

TY is termed as coming of age,or so they say...So i embarked upon the journey(seems ages ago instead of the short 3 weeks).Hoisting up my heavy rucksack eagerly,its weight merely a whiff.I was bouncing off my soles and it felt as if this part of my journey through life was going to be a breeze!!Possessed with bundles of energy,oodles of enthusiasm, and a rucksack full of my dreams,hopes and goals.Yes,I had all the resources to tackle my rucksack.I was aiming for the zenith and the swirling tornado of anxieties around me only propelled me further to undertake the journey from a different path. So I changed the paths feeling immeasurably smug that I had yet again escaped from the clutches of my fate unscathed.

SO i started for the fork i conceived to be my best bet.And lo behold!!!!I find that tonnes of other wayward travelers like me had the same bright insight!!!And all of them had the same dumbstruck look on their face as realized that their brilliant and unique road was not so unique afterall...

But then I realized that I was still a good enough contender as i was equipped(so I presume) to negotiate through this road..And that boosted my wavering and dwindling confidence.So,again i start, find myself amidst the throng,but still recognizable..

So,here am I,yet again not on ground but floating on swishy bundle of aims,goals,hopes,dreams.Feet seemed to fly and baggage seemed light..once again..

So that's me..tackling everything that comes my way with my best foot forward...