Thursday, April 15, 2010

Dumb and dumber..

Am sitting in the class,
learning all stuff to pass
the drill began,
and so did the drone,
washing over me, one so prone

i saw all the heads nodding,
in peace with the drone,
which to me where,
like scriptures from rome..

i tried to dechipher,
but started to shiver,
with the agony untold
which always got twofold..

so i tried nodding,
at each step prodding
myself to listen and
not to nod off beaming..

i give up,
resigned to the fact
that i just cannot sign this pact
of appeasement,
coz what i felt was amusement..

Amusement coz with all heads nodding,
and with me just ogling..
there must be a screw, a nut
that somehow fell,and had me shut..

coz in the sea of learners,
i was the only one dumber
then the dumbest

i showed the teacher,
that i was a goner,
with just no clue,
that my brain cells were just few..

while the nodding heads,
were really not off any better..
just that they made their beds
so as to hide every letter..

so finally in the dreamy end,
it was I who went round the bend
coz it was I
who though already dumb,
went past dumber..

:)    ;)    :)     :)      ;)

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